
Understand Risk Innovation

This blog will be based on reading the following risk profile report    link: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/global-risk-briefing/ In the risk profile report, there are four different kinds of risks were mentioned. They are; Reserves Stockpiles This shows total foreign reserves (excluding gold) held by each country's central bank as a percentage of the gross domestic product. They effectively act as a cushion against economic shocks, such as hyperinflation and currency depreciation, that could be triggered by external or internal events. Unemployment Figures are 2017 estimates by the International Labour Organization for those in the labor force aged 15+. Unemployment can serve as a proxy for the overall health of the economy. Long-term high unemployment levels eventually lead to less spending power among consumers, lower tax revenues for governments and possible social unrest. Inflation When prices are rising too quickly, the resulting confusion can lead t

People with disability in workplace

                                     Disability in workplace This article is going to talk about something about people with disabilities in the workplace. Some disability Act and legislation in Victoria will be written in the article, also some ways enterprise can accommodate disability staff members with reasonable adjustment will be covered. Firstly, disability can be identified as the physical disability and the mental disability, Australian Government Comcare defines disability as a disability is a limitation, impairment or restriction that may limit full and effective participation in society-it may be physical, mental, intellectual or sensory. According to legislation in Victoria, disability discrimination, the core concept of the legislation can be simply explained as organizations should provide appropriate equipment to help disabled people doing their work. Under the Equal Opportunity Act, 2010 employers must make reasonable adjustments for a person offered employ